This lowly blog chronicles the life-altering experiences of a certain beloved Chicagoan. As he establishes his
identity in the United Kingdom, he shall post *semi-regular* updates regarding his year-long endeavor. Please do
enjoy these baffled thoughts; it might help to sip some tea while doing so. Cheers!

Monday 18 October 2010


The roommates rejoice upon Aaron Rosell's return from the states. Here is their story:

To pillow head...

Or not to pillow head...

This isn't amateur hour.

ANYWAY. (It's always fun and games around here.)

Sick update: Went to health services today. Was told to get some cough drops and suck it up. (No pun intended?) Not really. I did get some cough drops though because they WERE SO CHEAP WOOT.

In other news, I'll be going to Bath and Stonehenge this weekend with the group. Until then, I think I'll send some letters! Just some postcards to my friends at school and the fam, but if you want one, SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS YO. Also, I has a pen pal now and I gotta find some cool paper.

More soon!

Yours in sickness,

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