This lowly blog chronicles the life-altering experiences of a certain beloved Chicagoan. As he establishes his
identity in the United Kingdom, he shall post *semi-regular* updates regarding his year-long endeavor. Please do
enjoy these baffled thoughts; it might help to sip some tea while doing so. Cheers!

Saturday 18 September 2010


That's right. I singlehandedly fixed the internet:

This, my friends, is what win looks like. Behold the happy blue lights.

Megan's note/warning about the dangers of the silver button.

Lookit that. Full bars. Oh yeah.

SO excited. I'm definitely ready to do some skyping now.

Anyway, besides this breakthrough, nothing much happened today. On weekends, we're pretty much on our own. We plan meals, do homework, shop, sleep, read, do chores. All that fun stuff.

Later this week I sign up for classes. Apparently it's quite an extensive process. The system isn't exactly computerized, so we have to go sign up manually and ask individual professors in their individual departments for their individual signatures. Each student here is allowed 60 credits each semester at the University, as per our Luther exchange program agreement. This is the equivalent of 4-6 *American* classes a year. (Our director also teaches *American* classes here at the flat, so these factor into our transcripts as well.) In the end, everything should balance out.

But my point is that I anticipate long queues (lines). Hopefully my English classes won't be full by the time I get up there OTHERWISE I WON'T GRADUATE OMG FREAKOUT SESSION. But not really 'cause I'm super tired.

Imma go eat some digestibles (cookies) and then go to sleep. 'Till next time!


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