This lowly blog chronicles the life-altering experiences of a certain beloved Chicagoan. As he establishes his
identity in the United Kingdom, he shall post *semi-regular* updates regarding his year-long endeavor. Please do
enjoy these baffled thoughts; it might help to sip some tea while doing so. Cheers!

Friday 24 September 2010


Things have been picking up around here! Except for the dirty dishes. They just stay there. Forever.

So I'll just list some of the week's highlights, partly because I like lists, partly because I'm sick and delirious.

1) Aparna and I cooked for everyone on Wednesday. (Everyone cooks in teams of two for dinner because there are so many hungry tummies.) We made a rockin' stirfry with peanut sauce. Also, a nifty tropical fruit salad with an orange liquor glaze. Needless to say, the meal went over well.

A taster of what we made. Ha! See what I did there?

2) I finished signing up for classes and got into all the ones I wanted. In hindsight, I believe it was a miracle. For such a large institution, the University of Nottingham is surprisingly unorganized. Nobody (NOBODY) could give me a straight answer when it came to courses. In fact, I still don't know where the lectures and seminars are located. But I suppose it's all part of the experience, right? Oh well. I only have class every Monday and Tuesday, so the remainder of the week will consist of SLEEPING AND HOMEWORK YAY! The only disappointing thing is that no creative writing courses are available this year. NONE. I cried a little.

3) I did manage to sign up for some cool societies (clubs) on campus. One such cool society is called "Flair". Twice a week we get to go flip bottles around and make cocktails. Think of it as bar tending experience. Here's the website if you wanna take a look: I also signed up for the Kettle Society (an appreciation for all hot beverages) AND Creative Writing society WOO!

4) I may have found a job. A nearby catholic church needs a violist to play with the choir every Sunday. I'm not sure when rehearsal is or how much they're offering, but I think it could be fun.

5) I'm going to London in an hour. It'll be fun. Some of our planned activities include: (OMG LISTS WITHIN LISTS IT'S LIKE INCEPTION WE HAVE TO GO DEEPER)

  • A literary tour of London
  • A tour of the Globe theater
  • A performance of Henry IV part 1
  • Shopping/walking/clubbing
Here's what I'll look like by Monday/first day of classes:

It's a good thing I'm a phoenix.

Some real pictures to come! In the meantime, godspeed.


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