This lowly blog chronicles the life-altering experiences of a certain beloved Chicagoan. As he establishes his
identity in the United Kingdom, he shall post *semi-regular* updates regarding his year-long endeavor. Please do
enjoy these baffled thoughts; it might help to sip some tea while doing so. Cheers!
Showing posts with label Farewell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farewell. Show all posts

Friday, 10 December 2010


HOLY FRICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My sincerest apologies, friends. It has been far too long since I blogged last. In my defense, finals are especially stressful here because they're our entire grade. Seriously. We have no short assignments, no attendance, no participation grade. Just. Final. Freaking. Papers.

But never fear! I'm still alive and slightly well. Let me catch you up on what's been happening up in hur.

First, we had Thanksgiving. Twas pretty cool. Many of us invited British friends, who all had varying conceptions of what the holiday really meant. (Pilgrims? Who?) So basically we had to learn them some 'Merica.

The food for Thanksgiving was delectable. Each of the Luther students prepared a dish from home. (I was on the sweet-potato team.) In the end, we had quite a spread. Not to mention the desserts. Oh my goodness. I don't think I've ever felt so fat in my life. The pumpkin pie was difficult, though. We had to make our own puree because they don't sell it in cans here. Overall, however, everything turned out okay. There was indeed much merriment to be had.:

Joe, Aparna, Amanda, Danny and Mike: MASHED POTATO SQUAD

Prep in the kitchen

We set up in the church hall... with some surround-sound Jazz.

The spread. And hovering girls.


So that was really fun. But then the stress started. December marked a time of doom for all of us. Not only did we have finals at the Uni, but we also had them in our Luther classes back at the flat. On top of that, we all needed to make travel plans for the holidays. Commence freakout noises. (*#&$(YFGISDUGSLD&Q%WTFDX

(Less accurate finals representation.)

(More accurate finals representation.)

On the bright side, we had some really beautiful snow. Nice, fat flakes.

It seems like we're all in the clear now though. We're kicked out of the flat to travel for a month before the start of next semester. So the Girlfriend and I have decided to do a mega-Ireland tour: four weeks and nearly 10 counties to see! Woot!

Unfortunately, this means I won't have any contact with the outside world until January. *sobs hysterically* But I miss you all, and [hopefully] I'll make it back alive to talk to you!

Have a happy holidays and a fantastic new year! Eat lots of Kraft Mac n Cheese for me! Also, in the spirit of the season, here's a picture of an awkward penguin:

lol brb ttyl
